Basic operations on dataframes

Your data in R will typically reside in one or more dataframes, which are rectangular data containers, like a spreadsheet worksheet. A given dataframe can store multiple types of data at once, subject to the restriction that any given column only contains data of one type (numeric, character, logical, etc.). When performing your analysis, you will undertake basic data operations, which can include extracting subsets of the data frame, deleting rows and columns, adding rows and columns, sorting, renaming, summarizing, etc.

There are different methods you can use to accomplish any given manipulation of a dataframe. The purpose of this note is to illustrate the various methods and explain which are equivalent.

Much of this document discusses the closely related concepts of subsetting a data frame, and extracting from a data frame. Here is what we mean by these terms:

  • subsetting means creating a new object that has fewer rows or columns, but where the new object has the same class as the old object. If you eliminate columns in a dataframe to create a new dataframe, you have created a subset, as the object remains a dataframe. You subset with single brackets ([ ]) or by using a function such as subset, which is a base function, or one of the dplyr functions such as filter or select.
  • extraction means creating a vector that has a class appropriate to the vector contents (numeric, character, logical, etc.) By definition, if you extract a column from a dataframe or tibble, it is no longer a dataframe or a tibble; it is a vector. You extract with double brackets ([[ ]]) or by using a function such as unlist.

It will be critical to distinguish the two concepts of subsetting and extraction. We will see that an important characteristic of tibbles is that subsetting operators always subset, they never extract. This is not true with dataframes. This consistency is a reason you might prefer tibbles.

The important thing to remember about extraction is that you can’t extract multiple columns at once. The reason is that you can’t know in advance the class of the extracted columns and they may be inconsistent. If column 1 is numeric and column 2 is character, there is no common data structure to which you can extract them, other than the dataframe or tibble in which they reside.1

Of course you can subset multiple columns at once, because you are retaining the dataframe or tibble from which subset.

You may find that you have a preferred way of performing the various operations. Even if you prefer one construct and stick to it, odds are that you will encounter examples that work differently and co-workers who have different preferences. You need to understand both dataframes and tibbles and the various methods of working with them. The good news is that by working to understand subsetting and extraction operators and functions, you will significantly deepen your understanding of R in general and dataframes in particular.

Dataframes vs tibbles

Creating dataframes

We begin by defining two data frames, named df0 and df, which contain recipe information, with ingredients listed by relative weight:2

df0 <- data.frame(what=c('crust', 'cookie', 'cake', 'pasta'),
                  flour=c(3, 3, 1, 3),
                  butter=c(2, 2, 1, 0),
                  liquid=c(1, 0, 0, 0),
                  sugar=c(0, 1, 1, 0),
                  egg=c(0, 0, 1, 2)

df <- data.frame(what=c('crust', 'cookie', 'cake', 'pasta'),
                 flour=c(3, 3, 1, 3),
                 butter=c(2, 2, 1, 0),
                 liquid=c(1, 0, 0, 0),
                 sugar=c(0, 1, 1, 0),
                 egg=c(0, 0, 1, 2),
all.equal(df0, df, check.attributes=FALSE)
[1] "Component \"what\": 'current' is not a factor"

By default, the data.frame function converts strings to factors. To change this behavior, it is common to set stringsAsFactors=FALSE, as when creating df. In the rest of this document we will assume that we do not want strings automatically converted to factors.

Creating tibbles

We now create a tibble, dft, using the same inputs. The tibble function does not convert strings to factors:

dft <- tibble(what=c('crust', 'cookie', 'cake', 'pasta'),
              flour=c(3, 3, 1, 3),
              butter=c(2, 2, 1, 0),
              liquid=c(1, 0, 0, 0),
              sugar=c(0, 1, 1, 0),
              egg=c(0, 0, 1, 2)
all.equal(df, dft, check.attributes=FALSE)
[1] TRUE

Although df and dft contain the same data with the same data types, the all.equal function will complain that df and dft have different classes unless we specify check.attributes=FALSE.

The printed data frame looks like this:

what flour butter liquid sugar egg
crust 3 2 1 0 0
cookie 3 2 0 1 0
cake 1 1 0 1 1
pasta 3 0 0 0 2

The printed tibble looks identical to the printed data frame:

what flour butter liquid sugar egg
crust 3 2 1 0 0
cookie 3 2 0 1 0
cake 1 1 0 1 1
pasta 3 0 0 0 2

When dealing with tibbles it can be helpful to customize the options that govern the way a tibble appears when you print it in the console. You can get a list of available options with ?tibble::tibble-options. I like the following settings, but you can do something different and you can change them at any time by issuing another options command.

options(digits=2 ## how many digits to print? Not specific to tibbles
        ,tibble.width=Inf ## how many tibble columns to print?
        ,tibble.print_min=10  ## 10 is the default
        ,pillar.subtle=FALSE  ## don't highlight significant digits

Subsetting and extraction operators

When dealing with dataframes and tibbles there are three data subsetting and extraction constructs we need to understand:

  • [” Single square brackets are used to subset. (There is an important exception to this with dataframes, for which subsetting to a single column also extracts. This does not happen with tibbles.)
  • [[” Double square brackets extract a single column at a time
  • $” The dollar sign also extracts, serving the same purpose as double square brackets

Extracting a column

A common operation with data frames is to create a subset by extracting columns. We will illustrate ways to do this with both dataframes and tibbles.

Extract one column from a dataframe

Suppose we want to extract the flour column from the dataframe df:

c1 <- df[, 'flour']
c2 <- df$flour
c3 <- df[['flour']]
c4 <- df['flour'][[1]]
class(c1)  ## this is a vector
[1] "numeric"
all.equal(c1, c2)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(c2, c3)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(c3, c4)
[1] TRUE
[1] 2.5
[1] 2.5
[1] 2.5
[1] 2.5

Note that in every case we have a numeric vector, and we can compute the mean of this vector.

It is worth discussing in more detail the operation that produced c4. The expression df['flour'] subsets the dataframe to one column. The expression [[1]] then extracts that one column to a vector. In general, [[1]] appended to an expression extracts the first element. If there is more than one element, as with a dataframe, you can extract the fifth element by appending [[5]].

Your subset can include multiple columns or rows, but you can only extract one element at a time. For example, df[c('flour', 'butter', 'liquid')] is legitimate, and df[c('flour', 'butter', 'liquid')][[3]] will extract the third column, liquid. If you write df[c('flour', 'butter','liquid')][[c(1, 3)]], you will extract the third element of the first column, which is 1.

Extract one column from a tibble

We repeat the previous syntax, only operating on a tibble rather than a dataframe.

c1t <- dft[, 'flour']  ## This subsets but does not extract!
c2t <- dft$flour
c3t <- dft[['flour']]
c4t <- dft['flour'][[1]]
class(c1t)  ## this is a tibble, not a vector
[1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
all.equal(c1t, c2t)
[1] "Cols in y but not x: `c(3, 3, 1, 3)`. "
[2] "Cols in x but not y: `flour`. "        
all.equal(c2t, c3t)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(c3t, c4t)
[1] TRUE
Warning in mean.default(c1t): argument is not numeric or logical: returning
[1] NA
[1] 2.5
[1] 2.5
[1] 2.5

It turns out the mean function expects a numeric vector as input. Because c1t is a tibble, we receive an error message. If you wish to compute the mean of a tibble column, you have several alternatives:

  • convert it to a numeric vector using unlist, [[1]], or the dplyr pull function
  • use the colMeans function, which works on dataframes
  • use dplyr’s summarize function
ct1 <- dft[, 'flour']
[1] 2.5
flour1 flour2 flour3 flour4 
     3      3      1      3 
[1] 2.5
[1] 2.5
ct1a <- dft %>% select(flour) %>% summarize(mean=mean(flour))
# A tibble: 1 x 1
1   2.5
[1] 2.5

Notice that ct1a is a tibble! The dplyr functions return a tibble, even when you have just computed a single number. We can extract the result using [[1]] or one of the other methods above.

Notice also that the unlist function creates a named vector. You can prevent the creation of names by specifying an option: unlist(test1, use.names=FALSE). I find [[1]] or the pull function to be cleaner solutions.

Subsetting tibbles produces tibbles

The last example illustrates that subsetting and summarizing operations on tibbles produce tibbles. If we extract the flour column from the tibble using the single bracket, the single column remains a tibble. If we extract the flour column from the dataframe using the same syntax, the single column is converted to a vector.

Contrast this with extracting the flour column from either df or dft using double brackets or the $ synonym, either of which creates a numeric vector.

The tibble behavior is, in my opinion, appropriate, because the single bracket is a subsetting operator, not an extraction operator. The tibble philosophy is that if you use a subset operator on a tibble, you get a tibble.

Subsetting dataframes may or may not produce dataframes

Consider these examples:

onecol <- df[, c('flour')]  ## this is a vector
twocol <- df[, c('flour', 'liquid')]  ## this is a dataframe

You can see that you get a different structure when you extract one or two columns from a dataframe. Extracting a single column gives you a numeric vector, while extracting two columns gives you a dataframnote.

Further, single brackets behave differently with dataframes depending upon whether or not there is a row indicator in the expression:

c1 <- df[, 'flour'] ## this is a vector of length 4
c5 <- df['flour']   ## this is a dataframe (list) of length 1
all.equal(c1, c5) ## c1 and c5 differ
[1] "Modes: numeric, list"                           
[2] "Lengths: 4, 1"                                  
[3] "names for current but not for target"           
[4] "Attributes: < target is NULL, current is list >"
[5] "target is numeric, current is data.frame"       
all.equal(c1, c5[[1]]) ## the same
[1] TRUE

The object c1 is a vector. The object c5 is a subset, a new dataframe consisting of the flour column from the original dataframe. When you perform operations on a tibble, you get a new tibble. If you want a vector, you have to ask for a vector by using the extraction function [[1]] (which I recommend) or by using the dplyr pull function`.

Add a column

We will add “nuts” and “yeast” columns:

df1 <- df2 <- df3 <- df  ## create copies of the original data frame
df1$nuts <- c(0, 0.5, 0, 0)
df1$yeast <- 0  ## the recycling rule in action
df2[, "nuts"] <-  c(0, 0.5, 0, 0)
df2[, "yeast"] <- 0
df3 <- df %>% mutate(nuts=c(0, 0.5, 0, 0), yeast=0)
all.equal(df1, df2)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df2, df3)
[1] TRUE
what flour butter liquid sugar egg nuts yeast
crust 3 2 1 0 0 0.0 0
cookie 3 2 0 1 0 0.5 0
cake 1 1 0 1 1 0.0 0
pasta 3 0 0 0 2 0.0 0

Very important: Notice that when using dplyr to construct df3, no quotes are needed. When using base R, quotes are needed for column names. The absence of quotation within the dplyr universe is a helpful simplification, but it is easy to become confused if you mix dplyr and base R. My advice is to stick with one or the other as much as possible.

Delete columns

Now we decide we don’t need the columns we just added:

df4 <- df1;
df4[c('nuts', 'yeast')] <- NULL  ## assigning to `NULL` deletes an object
df5 <- df1[-c(7, 8)]
df6 <- df1[-which(names(df1) %in% c('nuts', 'yeast'))]
df7 <- df1[, -which(names(df1) %in% c('nuts', 'yeast'))]
df8 <- df1 %>% select(-nuts, -yeast)
all.equal(df4, df5)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df4, df6)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df4, df7)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df4, df8)
[1] TRUE

Add rows

We will use the dataframe including nut and yeast columns. Notice that we get the same result whether we define the new row as a list or as a data.frame. This occurs because a data.frame is a list!

newrow1 <- list('bread', 1, 0, .67, 0, 0, 0, .02)
newrow2 <- list(what='bread', flour=1, butter=0,
                liquid=.67, sugar=0, egg=0, nuts=0, yeast=.02)
newrow3 <- data.frame(what='bread', flour=1, butter=0,
                      liquid=.67, sugar=0, egg=0, nuts=0, yeast=.02)
df.ar1 <- rbind(df1, newrow1)
df.ar2 <- rbind(df1, newrow2)
df.ar3 <- bind_rows(df1, newrow2) ## dplyr
df.ar4 <- bind_rows(df1, newrow3)
Warning in bind_rows_(x, .id): binding character and factor vector,
coercing into character vector
all.equal(df.ar1, df.ar2)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df.ar1, df.ar3)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df.ar1, df.ar4)
[1] TRUE

Filter rows

We can choose to keep or delete rows that meet specific criteria. We will use df.ar1 as the base dataframe.

Suppose we want only items that use butter

df.butter1 <- df.ar1[df.ar1$butter > 0, ]
df.butter2 <- df.ar1[df.ar1$"butter" > 0, ]
df.butter3 <- subset(df.ar1, df.ar1$butter > 0)
df.butter4 <- filter(df.ar1, butter > 0)
all.equal(df.butter1, df.butter2)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df.butter1, df.butter3)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df.butter1, df.butter4)
[1] TRUE

Suppose we want items that use butter and liquid. Any expression evaluating to a logical will work, so compound conditions will work. When using dplyr we can separate compound conditions either with a comma or by using an ampersand:

df.butterliquid1 <- df.ar1[df.ar1$butter & df.ar1$liquid > 0, ]
df.butterliquid2 <- filter(df.ar1, butter > 0, liquid > 0)
df.butterliquid3 <- filter(df.ar1, butter > 0 & liquid > 0)
all.equal(df.butterliquid1, df.butterliquid2)
[1] TRUE
all.equal(df.butterliquid1, df.butterliquid3)
[1] TRUE


Ruhlman, Michael. 2009. Ratio: The Simple Codes Behind the Craft of Everyday Cooking. Scribner.

  1. Dataframes and tibbles are both lists, which is why they can contain columns of different vector classes.

  2. This example was inspired by Ruhlman (2009). You can read the recipe for pie crust, for example, as “3 parts flour to 2 parts butter to one part liquid”, which could mean 150 grams of flour, 100 grams of butter, and 50 grams of liquid. Any errors are definitely mine!

Copyright © 2018 Brett Gordon and Robert McDonald. All rights reserved.